Our Services


Chiropractic Care

More than 30 million people a year look to Chiropractic care for safe, natural, and effective relief for their back pain, neck pain, extremity pain, migraines, hip pain, and much more.

"Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs and surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health."  - The Association of Chiropractic Colleges

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy aids in muscle relaxation, relieves spasm or cramping, increases range of motion, stretches tissue and positively affects certain scar tissue. Muscles benefit from massage by direct contact and indirectly from improved circulation. After a massage, the body can more efficiently circulate clean, oxygenated blood and take deoxygenated blood and other wastes, such as lactic acid, to be discarded as waste material.

Neurologically, massage decreases tension and anxiety. It has been shown to be useful in relieving depression. It may also promote a positive self-image and sense of self-worth. It relieves fatigue and enhances a general sense of well-being.

Massage services offered at Central Vermont Chiropractic:

  • Custom Orthopedic Massage: Treatment plan collaborated between referring chiropractor and massage therapist

  • Prenatal massage: Speciality massage cushions used during pregnancy through the end of third trimester allow for patient to lie face down, face up or on her side

  • Reflexology: Application of pressure to specific points of the hands and feet corresponding to organs and body systems theorized to bring healing and relaxation to those locations.

  • CBD Oil infusion: Locally made CBD infused massage oil can be purchased in the office and used during massage treatment.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor dysfunction in its many forms is extremely common for women, and also presents in men. Studies suggest that the incidence of pelvic floor dysfunction in women is close to 80% following pregnancy and childbirth. Care can frequently begin as soon as 6 weeks postnatally.

Normalizing the function of the pelvic and hip joints and muscles of the pelvic floor will help you to achieve a better quality of life and prevent symptom progression in the future. Our doctors achieve this by utilizing the following therapies:

  • Manual, internal pelvic floor muscle releases and muscle strengthening exercises

  • Sacroiliac and hip joint chiropractic manipulation/adjustment

  • Rehabilitative strengthening exercises and stretches

  • Custom-molded Biomechanical Orthotics